The project for economic empowerment of women victims of violence.
Economic insecurity has devastating consequences on the lives of survivors of domestic violence. Moreover, economic abuse can have lasting consequences due to job losses which, when combined with the high cost of living today, have impacts that severely limit women's options and the ability to achieve security and justice. The project for economic empowerment of women victims of violence aims to build, protect and restore the economic security of survivors of violence so that they can be safe and without abuse. This project will enable ten surviving violence women to be certified in tailoring and sewing with a sewing machine and the opportunity to open a joint shop. This project is 6 month and is supported by the Australian Embassy in Vienna.
Pasiguria ekonomike ka pasoja shkatėrruese nė jetėn e tė mbijetuarve tė dhunės nė familje. Pėr mė tepėr, abuzimi ekonomik mund tė sjellė pasoja tė pėrhershme pėr shkak tė humbjes sė vendeve tė punės e cila kur kombinohet me koston e lartė tė jetesės sė sotme, kanė ndikime tė cilat i kufizojnė rėndė opsionet e grave dhe aftėsinė pėr tė arritur sigurinė dhe drejtėsinė.
Projekti pėr fuqizim ekonomik te grave viktima te dhunes synon tė ndėrtojė, mbrojė dhe rivendosė sigurinė ekonomike tė tė mbijetuarve tė dhunės nė mėnyrė qė ato tė jenė tė sigurt dhe pa abuzime.
Ky projekt do ti mundeson 10 grave te mbijetuara te dhunes te certifikohen ne rrobaqepsi dhe te paisen me nje makina qepese dhe mundesine per hapjen e nje dyqani te perbashket. Ky projekt eshte 6 mujor dhe eshte perkrahur nga Ambasada e Australise ne Vjene.